The experience of wearing a wig so that it is beautiful and correct is currently a topic of great interest to many of you. However, there are not many articles on this issue yet. Therefore, in today’s article, Virgin Hair Vietnam will give you the most complete information so that you can use wigs most effectively.

List of Contents
1. Be confident to be yourself
One of the experiences of wearing a wig that I think you should apply first is to be confident in yourself. The beauty of the hair will become meaningless if you do not know how to take advantage and express it. You believe that with the hairstyle you have chosen, it is always the most beautiful, from which you will feel that you are the most beautiful and gorgeous woman.
2. Use good quality hair care products
The care of wigs also needs to be very attentive. Because if you do not know how to use hair care products such as shampoo, conditioner … will make your hair easily damaged, the beauty of the hair will be degraded from there. In addition, the use of poor quality hair care products is also the reason that directly affects the beauty of the hair. Therefore, do not be afraid to spend money on better-quality hair care products.
3. Use the right hair care products
Besides using quality hair care products, you should also pay attention to the effect of each product on the wig to avoid counterproductive cases. Avoid using products with strong detergents because they are not good for your hair at all.
4. Wig cleaning
Cleaning the wig regularly is also a good way to keep the hair smooth and smooth. On hot summer days, the head sweats a lot, causing the hair to become greasy and hot. Therefore, try to clean your hair after each use.
5. Trim wig
Trimming the wig a little will make the hair new and in harmony with the face. Thereby helping you feel more satisfied with your hair. However, you should consult a hair specialist and should not do it yourself if you do not have a lot of experience in trimming hair. If not, you will be the main cause of hair loss.
6. Use wig made from human hair
The wigs made from human hair have the best quality and durability. Compared with other materials such as synthetic fibers, nylon fibers, wigs made from real hair have many outstanding advantages. One of the points I love the most is the feeling of use and not being easily tangled like other materials. When using these hairstyles, you will forget whether you are using a wig or not.
7. Use accessories to highlight your hair
A hairpin will also make your hair more beautiful and unique. You don’t have to choose expensively, luxury accessories, just simple but suitable for your hair. Because anyway, they are also accessories, as well as a support to enhance the beauty of your hair. Using too shiny accessories will also make the hair become dull. Because all for the same hair is still the main character.
8. Choose the right hair color
One of the experiences of wearing a wig that you should care about is choosing the right hair color. If you are a person who likes a personality style, young and dynamic, you can choose bright colors such as yellow, blue… On the contrary, if you like a gentle, elegant but still luxurious style, the golden color is bright yellow. metallic, platinum color will be the right choice. Also, the color of your hair needs to match your fashion sense. Don’t let it happen: “this beard is sticking to her chin” will not be good at all.
Hopefully with the experience of wearing a wig that Hagona has just shared will help you get beautiful and radiant hair.